Use Google Maps Offline

If you are going to someplace where you know that the internet connectivity will be absent then you should be prepared. Download the selected part of the maps so you can get directions without internet connectivity. You can download a selected region and use it whenever you want it.

Go Incognito

Google Maps comes with an Incognito mode which takes you off the grid so no one will know your location. Every search you will do in this mode will not be saved to your Google account. Google Maps won’t save this trip to your location history so you can roam around.

Share your Live location

If you are on a trip with your friends and want to share location with all the members then you can do that using the Google maps app. You can share the app using Google account or using your contact list. Follow the steps below to share the location using the Google Maps app.

Wrapping up

Those were the tips and tricks about Google Maps which will come in handy every time you are on a trip. If you know any hidden trick you want to share with us, tell us in the comments.