Login Fast And Quickly Load Gmail To Save Time

By Default, Gmail Displays 50 recent mails or conversations. Go to Gmail Settings and under General tab, change this to 25 so that Gmail doesn’t spend much time in getting older mails.

Additionally, you can turn off the keyboard shortcuts so that Gmail doesn’t check for key strokes.

Use older version of Gmail that is with HTML interface. Though the new Ajax interface with extra features wouldn’t be available but it would dramatically decrease loading time.

If you just want Gmail only to read text messages then you can use mobile version from http://m.gmail.com. This stripped down version has minimum interface. There is no Gtalk integration, no ads and no labels. (Sometimes after login into mobile interface, Gmail automatically takes you to HTML version. Just hit the back button once to access mobile version from computer browser).

Install Google gears on your computer. It will download and save your mails in your hard-disk. So the navigation will be fast and you can even work offline. You can also use Outlook or Thunderbird to download emails on your computer but they not recommended on public computers. You can clearly feel the difference in speed on switching between old messages.

Though you can use webclips as RSS reader, turn them off from settings panel for a slight performance gain.

Directly Login into Gmail from https://www.google.com/accounts/ServiceLogin?service=mail. Gmail by default will make you login to Google account and then it redirects to Gmail.

Whenever you type in Gmail.com at address bar, Gmail tries to detect the type of browser and then settle into it. You can bypass this step by using http://mail.google.com/gmail?nocheckbrowser.

Decrease the number of Labs Features that are enabled. Try to use only those which you really need. Labs mean that they are in experimental phase and hence couldn’t guarantee performance. You can turn off all labs features by using https://mail.google.com/mail/?labs=0.

Switch between multiple Gmail accounts without signing out and signing in again. 8 Fast Tips for Slow Loading Gmail - 26