The firm revealed that it is working on an Android smartphone that has a 3.5 inch display. For now, Datawind has launched five tablets and three smartphones and achieving a sales figure of 40,000 to 50,000 devices per month. Rupinder Singh, Datawind Executive Vice President claimed that the company is in talks with three telecom operators in the country to provide free lifetime internet offer. However, the executive did not reveal any further information regarding this as the deal is yet to be finalized. He also revealed that the company has aggressive plans regarding manufacturing the products in India, but the timeline for the implementation of the same was not disclosed. As mentioned above, Datawind is the manufacturer behind the Aakash tablets that were priced at Rs 2,250 aimed at the students. But, owing to the numerous controversies, the government rejected the tablets to be supplied to IIT Jodhpur. However, the project was shifted to IIT Bombay and Datawind came up with the better version, Aakash 2.