Stop Website Notifications from Google Chrome

Several websites take permission for notifications so that they can notify you of content updates. However, it may happen that you mistakenly allow a site to send you web notifications. And these constant alerts may annoy you, especially while you’re working. Thankfully, it’s quite easy to manage and disable web notifications on Google Chrome. Based on how you want to treat Chrome notifications, you can follow the methods given below. Android user? Scroll to the bottom.

Turn Off All Notifications from Google Chrome

Disable Banner Notifications and Alerts in Action Center

Stop Notifications from a Particular Website on Chrome

Block Chrome Notifications on Android

Wrapping Up

This was a quick guide on how you can stop web notifications from Google Chrome. We’ve mentioned three different methods- you can go for either of them based on how you want the notifications to be treated, be it turning all notifications from Chrome, or disabling banners and action center alerts, or only blocking alerts from one particular site without affecting others. Also, read- How to Enable or Disable Push Notifications in Google Chrome on PC and Android