This was the day that Google registered the domain. This means that the domain is now officially 20 years old. It has been two decades since Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin registered Google marked this occasion with this video: Domain registration is the online equivalent of being born as this is the day the brand first came into it’s online existence. While there have been a number of debates over Google’s ‘birthday’, the strongest legit contender is 15th of September. Interestingly, Google Assistant too, is in the birthday spirit. Google’s digital assistant, the Google Assistant has become much more interactive than it was at launch. If you wish the Google Assistant a Happy Birthday now, it would reply to you with an interesting response – Google was founded on 4th September. Interestingly, the company was founded almost a year later after the domain was registered. While the domain was registered on the 15th of September 1997, the company came into being on the 4th September. Google Assistant still states that Google’s Birthday is on the 4th of September. Technically Google still has a year to go before it hits 20! If you weren’t an internet user in 1998 or were born after the year, here’s a quick look at how looked back then: The company has had quite an interesting history. Over the years Google has evolved and has blossomed from being just a search engine to a multinational giant with their wings spread across an array of services. Stay tuned with us for more interesting news and all the latest updates from Google!

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