A new patent acquired by Google at 5th April is suggesting that the tech giant is looking to change the way drones are employed.

Google applied for a patent of a device that can call for a drone which will fly in with specific medical equipment. This device looks like old call boxes at public places. Google already have a patent on flying drones to medical emergencies with life-saving technology.

If we look at this both patents together, then it looks very much possible that Google is looking to create drones which can be used in medical emergencies to get instant medical assistance. According to Google such drones can save many lives by saving precious minutes in any emergency situation. In the patent document they quoted – If this news is true then it can change the way people look at the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or UAVs (also known as drones). Currently, most people only see them as a toy. But after this, they can be seen as one of the most important achievements in the health sector. Via – Quartz

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