But anyways we have this product online available on Flipkart and as of now it is available for the pre-order, we got to know about this from the Facebook Page update which Flipkart made today. To all the users who are interested in buying this product, let me tell you that the products will be released by the end of this month. We had a certain idea of this news and we got certain information from the sources who attended the Tech-Show by LG recently. Giving you the brief about this phone I will sum up the important features which this smartphone has, as the name suggests Nexus 4 has the screen size in range of 4 and 4.7 inch precisely. The processor is the same one which we saw yesterday in the Nokia Lumia 925, i.e. Qualcomm Snapdragon Pro which is clocked at 1.5GHz. 2GB RAM is also pretty good on this phone and the battery is also adequate which is 2100 mAh and have the capacity to provide you the talktime of 11 hours on 2G. The operating system used on this phone is Android 4.2 Jellybean and in India you will be getting the 16GB Internal Storage version (not the 8GB Model). The clarity of the display is also close to the Nokia Lumia 925 but its little less as PPI index of Nokia Lumia is 334 at 4.5 inches of screen and with 1260 x 768 pixels of resolution whereas LG Google Nexus 4 has got the 4.7 inches of screen with 1260 x 768 pixels of resolution. The price of this smartphone as of now is 25,990 INR and you can click here to pre-order the device.