Micromax founder Rahul Sharma today talked about its YU brand at DroidCon, India’s largest Android Developer Conference which is being held in Bangalore, Karnataka. He revealed that YU smartphones will be a platform to favor advanced users and hackers. Rooting and flashing ROMs on your YU smartphone won’t void your warranty. The platform will be open source, which implies developer community will have full access to the software code and will be allowed to contribute to its development. The platform will also promote designers and in fact, Cyanogen Inc has already launched a Theme Design Challenge for YU brands. Micromax has also announced “AppsforYu” challenge to further promote contribution from the community. Micromax is expected to introduce its first YU branded device, which will retail on online stores, by the end of this month. With YU, Micromax is following an exciting initiative. A properly tuned hardware and software can work wonders and we are eager to see what Micromax has in store. source

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