The Moto X4 was released in India in November last year. The phone is a mid-range contender from the company and comes with a glass and metal chassis. While the original variant is also receiving Android 8.0 Oreo update now, the new variant is expected to run Android 8.0 Oreo out-of-the-box. Motorola has tweeted about the arrival of this new device.
— Motorola India (@motorolaindia) January 24, 2018
Moto X4 Expected Specifications
While the original Moto X4 has been there for a while, the new one is expected to come with improved hardware. To start with, the phone features a 5.2 inch full HD IPS LCD display and comes with a pixel density of ~424 PPI. In terms of optics, the device is equipped with a dual camera setup comprising of a 12MP primary camera and an 8MP wide angle camera with dual LED flash. A front camera of 16MP is also given for selfies and video calling. The current variant is powered by a Snapdragon 630 octa-core processor. The Moto X4 currently has two variants with 3GB/32GB and 4GB/64GB configurations. The new variant is tipped to come with 6GB RAM and 64GB or 128GB internal storage. All in all, we expect the processor to remain the same. Backed by a 3,000 mAh battery, the Moto X4 is a dual SIM 4G VoLTE smartphone with microSD card support of up to 2TB. Other connectivity options include a USB Type-C port, a 3.5mm earphone jack, Bluetooth, and WiFi