For example I have two Gmail ID’s . One for my blog work and another for personal use.I am a big fan of Firefox and each time I need to read mails,I am annoyed of logging in and out for different id’s. UPDATE: CookieSwap addon for Firefox males this task much easier. With this addon, you can easily swap cookies based on your Google account. This enables you to have multi logins without opening new window. Another trick is to make differnt profiles for firefox. Each time you open it, it will ask for a profilewhich will depend on your google account. step 0 : – Download Firefox.Step 1: – Open system “properties”(by right clicking my computer). – Choose tab “advanced”, click to “environment variables” button. – In “system variables” section, click “new”. – Type below information to each textbox. Step 2: variable name: moz_no_remote (should be all small letter). variable value: 1 Step 3: – Open firefox icon’s properties(from desktop and quick launch). – Add extension -p to command line(like “c:\program files\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe” -p). – Press ok. When you will open firefox it will prompt for profile selection create a profile,open firefox login to orkut open once more use another profile login.

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