Earlier: Nokia has confirmed the launch of its new flagship smartphone, Nokia X5 after the successful launch of the Nokia X6 smartphone. HMD Global has teased the next smartphone in X series with the launch date be July 11 in China. A poster has also been spotted last week on Chinese website Baidu showing the Nokia X5 in China. Nokia’s official Weibo account has posted the teaser confirming the Nokia X5 or Nokia 5.1 Plus smartphone to be launched in China on July 11. The teaser shows that a new smartphone in the X series is going to hit the market and the smartphone is rumored to be the Nokia X5 in China. It will be known as Nokia 5.1 in the international markets.


Nokia X5/5.1 Plus Specifications

The Nokia X5 will also feature a notch on display just like the Nokia X6; the display size will be 5.86 inches HD+ with 19:9 aspect ratio. The smartphone might be powered by a Snapdragon 600 series or the MediaTek P series processor which could be Helio P60. It will be paired with 3GB/4GB or up to 6GB of RAM.

The Nokia X5 is rumored to be coming with a 13MP primary sensor with a 5MP secondary lens and an 8MP sensor selfie camera. The smartphone might feature a 3000 mAH battery and 4G LTE, Bluetooth and micro USB as connectivity options. The speculated price of the smartphone has been leaked, the smartphone is going to be priced at CNY 799 (approx. Rs 8,300) for the 32GB storage version and CNY 999 (approx. Rs 10,400) for the 64GB version.

Nokia X5 Nokia 5 1 Plus Launch set for July 18 in China - 11Nokia X5 Nokia 5 1 Plus Launch set for July 18 in China - 66