On Monday, those at OnePlus unveiled the decision to update the chipset in the upcoming smartphone. Going by the previous plan, the handset was supposed to include a Snapdragon 800 chipset, but it has been confirmed to be upgraded to the latest Snapdragon 801 chipset under its hood. This advanced processor runs at faster clock speed, 75% swifter battery charging and 4K video capturing support to mention a few of its characteristics. OnePlus One is also confirmed to come with interchangeable back covers made of bamboo, denim, kevlar and more. and some of the other specifications that are let out include a 5.5 inch Full HD 1080p display, 13 MP rear camera with Sony Exmor IMX214 sensor, 16 GB and 64 GB internal storage support, 3,100 mAh battery and support to LTE. The handset is said to be priced in the sub $400 price bracket (approximately Rs 24,000), but the pricing is yet to be confirmed by OnePlus. Apart from revealing the launch date as April 23, the company has not mentioned where the launch event will take place, but there are gossips suggesting that it will happen in Shenzhen, China. Stay tuned for more information on OnePlus One smartphone. Key Specs   

OnePlus One with Snapdragon 801 chipset will go official on April 23 - 84