With over 3 Lakh registrations on board, YU will retail only 10,000 Units on Tuesday, and you can expect another online stampede. Xiaomi also put up 10k units of Mi3 when it first started its operations in India, as the Chinese manufacturer failed to anticipate the response it would get in India. Here is what YU has to say for the stock shortage on first sales day: “We saw unprecedented response with over three lakh registrations. Registrations were to be open till 25th December. However, owing to the mega response they had to be closed a day earlier,” Micromax co-founder Rahul Sharma told PTI. It’s hard to believe Micromax landed with these numbers for first flash sales. This could also be a marketing strategy. Either way, there will be loads of disappointed fans venting in Yu forums after first flash sales. Source

Only 10 000 Yureka phones will be available in First Flash Sale - 60